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Rover UK and EU headlights

Begonnen von Mirtininkas, 20. April 2010, 07:22:47

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


I think this information can be useful for everyone, who wants to buy a new or used headlight from a stranger :)


Please check the photo.
On the top - two European headlights from Left Hand Drive Rover 600.
On the bottom - two UK headlights from Right Hand Drive Rover 600.

Rover 420 Tourer T16 turbo
Rover 75d


If you want to change your clock from 12 hour to 24 hour, please check my instructions in video:

it should also work in other Rovers :)
Rover 420 Tourer T16 turbo
Rover 75d


very helpful comparison, thank you very much!

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