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MG Rover-News

Begonnen von Angus, 27. Juni 2005, 18:52:25

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MG power plants to be built in Nanjing

Nanjing Automobile Corp, the Chinese owner of the failed British carmaker MG Rover, said it will begin producing MG engines this month, a step toward reintroducing the oldest English car brand on the world market.

The company plans to manufacture 1.8-liter, 1.8-liter turbo and 2.5-liter V6 engines on MG assembly lines this month, according to a statement yesterday.

The assembly lines were dismantled and shipped from Britain to the Chinese company's Jianglin plant in Nanjing after it outbid Shanghai Automotive Industrial Corp to take over MG's production facilities for 53 million pounds (US$100 million) last July.

"The move represents crucial progress for our car projects, and the power train systems are the most valuable assets," said Sun Honggen, general manager of Nanjing Auto MG Power Train Co Ltd.

The power train program is part of the global revival plan for the British car brand. It follows a new vehicle plant in Oklahoma City in the United States in addition to resumed production at the old MG Longbridge assembly plant near Birmingham, England.

Nanjing Auto aims to produce 50,000 engines annually in another new plant in its home city starting next year.

Shanghai Daily, 2006-09-28

Kurz & knackig:
Nanjing beginnt in diesem Monat (!) mit der Fertigung von Motoren auf Grundlage der Produktionsgerätschaften von MG Rover. Gebauten werden 1.8-Liter, 1.8-Liter Turbos sowie 2.5-Liter V6 Triebwerke.


Die neuesten News -oder: Die größte Lächerlichkeit des Jahres, lest selbst:

China's SAIC Motor to launch own-brand car this month

BEIJING (MarketWatch) -- SAIC Motor Corp., the Chinese partner of both General Motors Corp. (GM) and Volkswagen AG (VOW.XE), will launch its first own-brand car Oct. 24, an official at an SAIC unit said Thursday.

SAIC, which recently failed to buy the Rover brand from BMW AG (BMW.XE) for its own-brand cars, will sell the cars under the Roewe brand, said the official at the brand promotion department of SAIC Motor Manufacturing Co.
The official declined to be named.

SAIC Motor set up SAIC Motor Manufacturing Co. earlier this year to pursue the development of its own-brand cars, using the technology it bought from the U.K.'s MG Rover Group Ltd. (RVR.YY) last year.
SAIC bought the intellectual property rights to two Rover models, the 25 and 75, although it lost the battle for the purchase of MG Rover Group last year to its Chinese rival Nanjing Automobile Group.

The Shanghai-based auto group bid for the Rover name to boost the global image and sales of its planned own-brand cars. But Ford Motor Co. (F), which had the right of first refusal for the Rover name, said in mid-September it will buy the trademark for its Land Rover business.

SAIC said last month the failure to buy the Rover brand wouldn't hurt the production of its own-brand cars. The company will post a statement about its first own-brand car later Thursday, the official at the SAIC unit said.
SAIC, which is one of the largest auto groups in China, is aiming for an initial public offering as soon as this year.
As part of the plan, it agreed to inject CNY21 billion worth of assets, including the stakes in its joint ventures with both GM and Volkswagen, into its Shanghai-listed arm, Shanghai Automotive Co. (600104.SH)
-Edited by David Riordan

marketwatch.com, Oct 12, 2006

Aus dem Inhalt:
SAIC will am 24. diesen Monats seinen ersten "eigenen" Wagen unter eigener Marke vorstellen. Wird wohl ein nachgemachter 75. Da es "Rover" nicht für SAIC gab, will das Unternehmen diese Marke allen ernstes "ROEWE" (gesprochen zum Verwechseln ähnlich mit "Rover") nennen...

Anmerkung von mir: Markenemblem wird dann sicher eine von vorn abgebildete Dschunke...  :-x >:-(


So hier nur die News, bereitgestellt von Angus  :*

Diskussionen über den Roewe hier... http://forum.mg-rover-freunde.de/index.php/topic,14379.0.html

Nun ist es raus: Keith Adams veröffentlicht das Emblem und Fotos des ersten "Roewe 750" von SAIC:







SHANGHAI Automobile Industry Corporation (SAIC) has finally officially announced that its own brand name 'Rong-wei (Roewe)' will be applied to its version of the Rover 75, following the shock decision taken by Ford to retain the marque name for itself – and to complete the double whammy of news, a final prototype has been photographed, clearly showing the new badging and lightly altered styling.

The new car, which is called the 750 features the revised rear end as correctly predicted by www.austin-rover.co.uk, but holds few other technical surprises. The newly branded car is due to make its appearance later this month and forms the cornerstone of SAIC's ambitious plans to enter the premium sector with the 75-based car.

According to its Chinese website, the Rong-wei brand slogan will make great play of the car's great history – although the Rover marque now belongs to Ford, and it's take on the historic nameplate has been invented from scratch – including the rather interesting logo.

SAIC has also announced that its successor the Rover 75 will be the core product in a line-up of cars to be officially unveiled on the 24th October. It is understood that SAIC Overseas (Europe) R & D centre (formerly Ricardo2010) will be jointly responsible for the new models, which is rumoured to include a new version of the ill-fated RDX60/130 project.

SAIC vice chairman and SAIC president Chen Hong said: "The starting point for the 'Rong-wei (Roewe)' marque is new – and will mirror the values of middle and high-end brands. SAIC has taken an important step in achieving its goal of becoming an international carmaker."

Rong-wei (Roewe) will sit in the upper-medium sector of the market – targeting customers who have traditionally favoured premium products. SAIC will be using the Rover 75 platform as a starting point in the development further models which fit into this premium market brief.

Keith Adams, austin-rover.co.uk

Diskussionen über den Roewe hier... http://forum.mg-rover-freunde.de/index.php/topic,14379.0.html
My Rover doesn't leak oil... he just marked his territory!


Der Rover aus China heißt Roewe

Der chinesische SAIC-Konzern kaufte 2004 den britischen Autohersteller Rover. Aber nur die Technik, nicht Marke und Logo - die gehören Ford. Nun wird der erste China-Rover vorgestellt. Und siehe: Logo und Markename sind fast genau so wie damals, als Rover noch britisch war.

Von Johnny Erling

Ähnlich? Allerdings: Links das alte Rover-Logo, rechts das Logo des in China gefertigten Rover - der Roewe heißt

Peking - Die Redakteure der Pekinger Zeitung ,,Xinbao" feixten sich eins und fragten ihre Leser: ,,Ziemlich ähnlich - oder?" Zum Vergleich druckte das chinesische Boulevardblatt das neue Logo für die künftig in Shanghai produzierten Rover-Limousinen und bildete daneben das alte Logo der vormals britischen Traditionsmarke ab. Ähnlich? Allerdings. Zumal die chinesische Variante des Rover nun den Markennamen Roewe bekommt.

Das Problem: Der chinesische Autohersteller Shanghai Automotive Industrial Corp. (SAIC), der Rover aufkaufte, darf weder das Logo mit dem Wikingerschiff nutzen, noch den Markennamen. SAIC hatte dem insolventen Autohersteller MG Rover 2004 die Rechte an Technologie und Modelldesign für 67 Mio. Pfund abgekauft. Die Rechte an Marke und Logo aber, die BMW gehörten, gingen an Ford. SAIC behilft sich für nun mit einer milden Neuinterpretation: Das Logo, das die gleiche Größe hat wie das alte und auch die gleiche Farbkombination, zeigt zwei goldene Löwen über einem verschnörkelten ,,R". Der Buchstaben steht für den chinesischen Begriff ,,Rong Wei", der ,,großartig" und ,,machtvoll" bedeutet.
In lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben heißt der China-Rover, der auf den alten Modellen Rover 25 und Rover 75 basiert, künftig ,,Roewe".

SAIC will seinen Erstling am 24. Oktober produzieren aus der Taufe heben und im November bei der Pekinger Autoschau vorzeigen. Laut Berichten der chinesischen Wirtschaftspresse sollen im Jahr 2007 bereits 50.000 Wagen des Typs 750 E gebaut werden, Stückpreis: 17.000 bis 23.000 Euro. Nach 2010 will SAIC rund eine viertel Millionen Autos Marke Roewe und 300.000 Motoren pro Jahr herstellen. Bis 2009 soll der Wagen nur im Inland vermarktet werden, bevor er in den Export kommt.

SAIC hat bislang nur Wagen anderer Hersteller produziert. Seit 1985 besteht ein Jointventure mit Volkswagen, ein weiteres seit 1997 mit General Motors. Zwei eigene Marken - Phoenix und Shanghai – hat SAIC 1993 eingestellt. Mit dem Roewe will SAIC sein Geschäft nun grundsätzlich neu aufziehen. SAIC-Chef Chen Hong sagte der Zeitung ,,China Daily": ,,Die Markteinführung von Roewe ist ein wichtiger Schritt in unserer internationalen Strategie." Zehn Milliarden Yuan (umgerechnet eine Milliarde Euro) will er bis 2010 investieren. Dafür soll SAIC 30 eigene Modelle auf fünf Plattformen herstellen. Ehrgeiziges Ziel des Konzerns, der 2005 mit VW, GM und Südkoreas Ssangyong gemeinsam mehr als eine Millionen Fahrzeuge verkaufte: Am Ende dieser Dekade sollen 200.000 eigene Markenwagen pro Jahr verkauft werden.

Andere chinesische Autokonzerne wollen das auch, berichtet ,,China Daily". Die Kleinwagen-Hersteller Geely und Chery wollen ihre eigenen Marken in China und weltweit aggressiv verbreiten. Geely will 2015 auf einen Jahresabsatz von zwei Millionen Autos kommen – 2005 setzte Geely 150.000 Wagen ab. Autohersteller Chery, der in der Vergangenheit in mühsamen Vergleichen Plagiatvorwürfe von VW und von General Motors (QQ) aus der Welt schaffen musste, will 2010 eine Million Autos verkaufen. 2005 waren es 180.000.

Noch scheinen Chinas Autokonzerne keine ernsthafte Konkurrenz für die ausländischen Hersteller zu sein – die feiern derzeit neue Absatzrekorde im größten PKW-Wachstumsmarkt der Welt. Toyota meldete für die ersten neun Monaten 2006 Verkaufzuwächse um 64 Prozent auf 203.000 Autos. Auch der lange gebeutelte Marktführer Volkswagen konnte mit seinen beiden chinesischen Autopartnern in Shanghai und Changchun 524.558 Autos absetzen, ein Plus von 28,7 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.

Nach der Aufregung um die chinesischen Smart Kopien schauen Manager internationaler Auto-Marken nun noch genauer hin, was da bei den chinesischen Wettbewerbern vom Band läuft. Volkswagen muss es nicht nur in Shanghai mit Roewe und anderen Modellen aufnehmen. Auch der chinesische VW-Partner First Automotive Works (FAW) plant einen eigenen Markenauftritt. ,,China Daily" berichtet, dass FAW eine halbe Mrd. Euro investieren will, um 2010 eigene Modelle anbieten zu können.

Artikel erschienen am 13.10.2006, Die Welt


MG production relocation underway

Manufacturing News, Source : TheManufacturer.com
Published : 13 Oct 2006 11:19


Nanjing Automobile Corporation (NAC) has appointed Stadco, a supplier of automotive body-in-white products and services, to transfer the production equipment for the construction of the MGTF sports car from its facility in Coventry to NAC's plant in Longbridge.

Stadco will install the equipment and will manage the relaunch of body production in Longbridge for NAC with full production expected to be achieved in mid-2007.

Andrew Morriss, Stadco's MD, commenting on the deal said: "It is very satisfying to see automotive production returning to Longbridge and for Stadco to be able to participate in the renaissance of the MG brand."

Aus dem Inhalt:
Rückkehr der MG-Produktion in vollem Gange.
NAC hat den Karosseriezulieferer Stadco beauftragt, sein Produktionsequipment für den MG TF von Coventry ins Longbridge-Werk zu schaffen. Die Gerätschaften werden installiert und sollen Mitte 2007 produktionsbereit sein.
Bei Stadco spricht man von einer großen Befriedigung zu sehen, dass die Autoproduktion nach Longbridge zurück kehre und dass Stadco bei der Wiedergeburt von MG eine Rolle spiele.


Mal nebenbei: What the collapse of MGR means to local dealerships:

Macrae & Dick hit by collapse of MG


MACRAE & Dick, which claims to be Scotland's longest established car dealership, saw its sales and profits fall in 2005 on the back of the MG Rover collapse.

The firm, based in Inverness and the sector's major player in the north of Scotland, saw sales fall by about £1 million to £126.3m in 2005, with pre-tax profits down more than 50 per cent at £1.1m.

"The collapse into administration of the MG Rover group in April 2005 contributed to an 0.8 per cent fall in group turnover and consequent impact on group profits," the company said.

"Responsibility was assumed for the manufacturer's warranty for customers affected by Rover's demise , resulting in additional costs to the group."

The firm added that trading and position "are considered to be satisfactory in the light of turbulent trading conditions within the motor trade during the year". Macrae & Dick's fortunes mirror that of much of the Scottish motor industry. In January, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said just under 202,000 new cars were sold in Scotland in 2005, 6 per cent down on 2004 and the first fall in six years. It said that high fuel prices, interest rate hikes and the general economic slowdown had contributed to the fall.

Macrae & Dick owns Land Rover, Jaguar, Honda and several Ford dealerships under its own brand as well as selling BMW and Minis through its Menzies dealerships. The company originated as a partnership in 1878, hiring out horse and carts in Inverness before entering the automobile business in the early 20th century.

http://business.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1513962006, 13-Oct-06


Longbridge production of MG TF moves closer...

MG TF body production facility is moving from Stadco in Coventry to Longbridge - and a facelift is on the cars

JOHN REVILL, Manufacturing Editor, icBirmingham

THE return of car production to Longbridge will accelerate today when a key supplier signs a £3 million deal to restart body shell production at the former MG Rover site. Stadco, which used to supply the parts for the MG TF sports car, is one of 150 suppliers who have agreed to provide components for Nanjing Automobile's (NAC) relaunch of the car next year.

Following a joint investment of more than £3 million, it has begun begin shifting part of its production from Coventry to Birmingham in a move which will generate up to 50 new jobs at Longbridge. The move, which is due to take place next month, could be followed by other manufacturers who have been approached to move to the factory.

The body shell facility had been mothballed at Stadco's factory in Holbrook Lane when MG Rover collapsed into administration in April 2005. But following the signing of the deal - which could ultimately be worth up to £2 million per year to Stadco - the new facility will be set up early in the new year.

The new unit, based in the CAB B building, will resume production by April and start full production in time for the relaunch of the new TF sports car in July. Early volumes of the car are expected to be around 4000 vehicles per year, although this could rise to meet demand. Stadco, which took over the panel making business from Mayflower which collapsed in 2004, will lose no jobs in Coventry.

It expects to take on former MG Rover workers and Stadco workers who lost their jobs during the MG Rover collapse. Paul Jaggers, product engineering director of Stadco, said: "Over the time I have spent with NAC I believe they are very serious about being in the UK and European market.

"We see this as an opportunity to build this product and also to work together. We are also discussing opportunities in China. We see this as part of our global expansion strategy. This could lead to work on other platforms for NAC and in China. We are pleased to be part of the rebirth of the MG brand. We have got an emotional attachment to it going back to the work we did on the MG F. Mayflower were key in getting that car on the road and made substantial invest-ments in its facilities to do so. We built the body shell for ten years, and know how it all works. We were a key part in bringing that vehicle to market and we will be again."

Andrew Morriss (CKD), managing director of Stadco, said: "This is an important stepping stone in the return of the MG TF. NAC has the will and the ownership and we have the skills and experience to bring this to reality."

Stadco is also involved in the modifications to the TF design, including remodelling of its interior trim, bumpers, lamps, as well as a possible hard top coupe version which could be introduced in 2008. As part of the deal, a team from Stadco will also travel to China to help establish a body shell production facility for NAC's new factory in Nanjing.

James Lin, operations director of NAC at Longbridge, said he welcomed the move, which could be followed by other suppliers. He said: "Stadco used to be an original supplier to Rover, so we know by working with them we can maintain the quality on important product. Stadco has also provided technical for our factory in China. This kind of project is the first stage in our global startegy. Stadco are good are engineering design and product development and have a very good understanding of the US market."

As well as manufacturers, NAC has signed agreements with engineering service providers like MIRA and Prodrive. Seating manufacturers and wheel companies have also voiced an interest in moving to Longbridge, said Mr Lin.

Wagn Hong Biao, chairman of Nanjing Automotive UK, said: "We are pleased to secure Stadco as a supplier because they bring a wealth of experience with them." Mr Lin, said: "There was rumours about us moving our operations to Coventry. That was wrong. What we are doing is moving Coventry operations to Longbridge."

14 Oct 2006, austin-rover.co.uk

Aus dem Inhalt:
- 150 Zulieferer werden NAC MG bei der Wedereinführung der Marke unterstützen
- Stadco - Karosseriebauer des TF - baut seine Maschinerie direkt in Longbridge auf, Produktionsstart April 2007
- Vorerst sind 4000 TFs pro Jahr geplant
- Der neue TF wird optisch am Interieur, Stoßstangen und Lampen überarbeitet sein
- Das TF-Coupé könnte 2008 eingeführt werden
- Sitz- und Radhersteller melden ebenfalls Interesse an, direkt in Longbridge zu fertigen


Wen's interessiert:

Hier die neue Homepage des Rover-Nachbaus von SAIC:



Nur wirklich gute Nachrichten heute  :) :

Austin may make Longbridge return

By John Revill, Manufacturing Editor

Longbridge could see the rebirth of the Austin brand with the factory playing a key role in the development of the next generation of MG Cars, the company's Chinese owners have insisted.

Nanjing Automobile Corporation (NAC) has begun work on three new models which it hopes to launch by the end of 2008.
The models, which will include a new small car for China, a medium car for Europe and a medium car for the US market, could be badged as Austins, NAC said.
James Lin, operations director for NAC at Longbridge, said: "Longbridge will be the design and innovation centre for the new models. We have to understand the feeling of European people; it is impossible to just stay in China and design cars.

"We have already got a budget for a vehicle engineering centre, and this will play a very important role.
"There are lots of design companies to share the capability, and there is a lot of knowledge capital at the design houses, universities and places the Technology Innovation Centre.

"It is possible that other companies could come and use the centre as well."
The new cars will support the relaunched TF sports car which will be reintroduced next July.
The first TFs will be built by April 8, NAC said, to coincide with the second anniversary of the MG Rover collapse in 2005.
Work is currently under way to ensure the new TFs, which will have extensive remodelling by body shell producer Stadco, to ensure it passes the Euro 4 emissions standard.

The Vehicle Certification Agency is working with NAC in China and the UK to ensure it passes all the required safety checks in time.
"The set target is still the target. We are confident of reaching it. In the UK we have received all kinds of support from the Government, the City Council, the trades unions and the suppliers," said Mr Lin.

"We are determined to produce the first car in time for April 8. Everyone knows that is the date that MG Rover went into administration.
"We want to bring something back to life for the people here and show them we will still make cars here."
As part of the plan, recruitment will be stepped up in the coming months.

At present around 90 people work at Longbridge, although this figure is expected to increase to around 250 by March.
Meanwhile more suppliers are due to move their operations to Longbridge following the agreement sealed last week between NAC and Stadco.
Around 150 components makers have signed agreements to supply NAC's production lines in both Birmingham and China, while two other firms are in talks to move to Longbridge.

Some of the firms extend beyond components makers with technical services and design engineers like MIRA and Prodrive also involved.
Mr Lin said NAC was also working hard to establish a dealer network in the UK and Europe.
As part of the sales drive, a team from NAC travelled to Silverstone this weekend to speak with the former MG Racing Clubs about supplying them with new cars in the future.

Mr Lin said he was sure there would be a market for the car. He added: "This kind of car stopped production two years ago, but even now it has some technical advantages.
"The idea of a two-seater soft top sports car is still attractive. There is only the Mazda MX-5 out there. The power of the MG brand remains, and this with global sourcing will make us competitive."

icBirmingham, Oct 16 2006

Aus dem Inhalt:
Das Longbridgewerk könnte eine Schlüsselrolle in der Wiederauferstehung der Marke "Austin" spielen, sagt NAC.
NAC hat damit begonnen, drei neue Modelle zu entwickeln, die im Idealfall bis Ende 2008 auf den Markt gebracht werden sollen. Es handelt sich dabei um einen neuen Kleinwagen für den chinesischen Markt sowie um zwei neue Mittelklassemodelle für Europa und die USA. Diese Fahrzeuge könnten laut NAC als Austins vermarktet werden. Dabei wird Longbridge das Entwicklungs- und Designzentrum für die neuen Modelle werden. Das Geld für ein neues Produktionszentrum habe NAC bereits. Bis zur Einführung des MG TF im nächsten Jahr sollen die verwendeten Motoren ebenfalls die Euro-4-Norm erfüllen.
Momentan arbeiten 90 Angestellte in Longbridge, bis März nächsten Jahres erwartet man einen Zuwachs bis 250 Mitarbeiter im Werk.
NAC arbeite weiterhin hart an einem britischen und europäischen Händlernetzwerk. Auch habe man bereits die ehemaligen MG Racing Clubs in Silverstone besucht um bekannt zu geben, dass man sie demnächst wieder mit neuen Fahrzeugen beliefern könne.


UK dealers welcome MG's return.

Meanwhile, it's not all R-over for the brand' former dealers. Ninety per cent of the firm's original network of showrooms say they would sell MG cars again. New owner Nanjing claims 135 of the 150 franchises indicated they would consider stocking the revised TF when it rolls off the production line at Longbridge, West Midlands, next spring. 

Auto Express, 18 October 2006

Aus dem Inhalt:
Bitische Händler begrüßen die Rückkehr MGs.
Neunzig Prozent der ehemaligen MGR-Händler in GB geben an, auch künftig MG-Modelle vertreiben zu wollen.


Bilder vom neuen MG-Werk in Nanjing:





Zitat von: Angus am 15. Oktober 2006, 11:54:40
Longbridge production of MG TF moves closer...
MG TF body production facility is moving from Stadco in Coventry to Longbridge - and a facelift is on the cars

Pictures by Stadco





Erste Spyshots von 25/ZR-Tests

K.A. ob von SAIC oder NAC, verändert hat sich da wohl nichts bisher, scheinen "alte" Wagen zu sein...



Longbridge East Works to be bulldozed

The huge Longbridge East Works – which played a significant role in the history of the famous Birmingham production site, including war-time aircraft manufacture – is to disappear in the latest phase of demolition by regeneration specialist St Modwen.

Some 1.3 million sq ft of buildings – the equivalent of about 20 full-sized football pitches – covering a 53-acre site which in the latter years housed the Powertrain engine works, are being demolished over a period of almost a year, clearing the way for a programme of regeneration currently in the masterplanning stage with public consultation.

Lee Demolition of Kent, and WSP Environmental, which have been awarded the contract to clear the site, began work yesterday on the 49-week project.

The majority of the demolished materials – brickwork and concrete – are being recycled for re-use on site. The steel will be recycled off site.

Originally known as the Aero Factory, the vast building –over a quarter of a mile in length – was built in 1936 as part of the Government's Shadow Factory scheme.

It was initially used for the construction of Fairey Battle light bombers.

The first aircraft was flown out in 1938 from the flying ground on site.

Larger aircraft, such as Short Stirling bombers, were produced in kits and transported to Elmdon Airport – now Birmingham International Airport – where they were assembled before flying out.

The Aero Factory was linked to other parts of the factory by an extensive network of underground tunnels which could shelter up to 10,000 workers and where the manufacturing facilities could be moved in the event of an air attack on the plant.

After the war the building became known as the East Works and was the centre of engine development and production, with some 2,000 people being employed.

Rover Group's award-winning K-Series engine was assembled there until the closure of MG Rover in April 2005. In recent years the building had been renamed Powertrain.

Mike Murray of St Modwen said: "We are now well under way with our clearance programme and by Christmas we will be demolishing three million sq ft of buildings, making a fundamental change to the Longbridge landscape."

icBirmingham, Nov 14 2006

Aus dem Inhalt:
Die historischen Ostgebäude des Longbridge-Werks werden in kürze abgerissen. Sie erlangten Berühmtheit durch die Produktion von Fertigteilen für Kampfflugzeuge während des zweiten Weltkriegs. Zuletzt produzierte hier Powertrain die Motoren für MG Rover.


Relief for Rover owners

Haynes have published a new manual for the defunct Rover 75 and MG ZT for 1999-2006 models.

When MG Rover ceased production many owners of MG Rover models faced an uncertain future for maintenance and servicing.

This was particularly true of the Rover 75 and MG ZT models – of which over 100,000 had been sold in the UK alone.

Consequently many owners contacted Haynes to see if there was an Owners Workshop Manual covering these cars.

Given the unprecedented level of interest from owners and the unfortunate demise of MG Rover, Haynes brought forward publication of this title to earlier than planned.

The new Owners Workshop Manual from Haynes for the Rover 75 and MG ZT saloon and estate (Tourer/ZT-T) is now available. This new manual covers all aspects of maintaining a Rover 75 or MG ZT – from changing a wiper blade to overhauling the engine.

Other MG Rover models for which there are Haynes manuals include the Rover 111 and 114, most of the 200, 400, 600 and 800 series plus the Rover 25 and MG ZR.

Haynes Car Manuals retail at £18.99 (hardback) and are available from all major car accessory retailers and bookshops including Halfords and Motor World. A comprehensive stockist locator can be found at www.haynes.co.uk

NEWCARNET, 14.11.2006

Aus dem Inhalt:
Für den Rover 75 und MG ZT gibt es ein neues Handbuch zu erwerben.
Vom Wechsel der Wischerblätter bis zur Motorüberholung wird alles notwendige beschrieben.
Weitere Handbücher gibt es für den Rover 111, 114, die meisten 200, 400, 600, 800, 25 und ZR.
Der Preis liegt bei 18,88 Pfund! Infos unter www.haynes.co.uk